Das Projekt zeichnet sich durch die intelligente Verschränkung der Bebauung mit dem Freiraum aus: im Rahmen einer mehrfach genutzten und mehrdeutig codierten Freiraumsyntax intensivieren die “polyrhythmischen Felder” die Beziehung der Wohn-, Freizeit- und Ausbildungsprogramme zu den unterschiedlich bespielbaren Grünflächen.
"The concept of a polyrhythmic landscape, which receives the different rhythms of its inhabitants, is seen as a convincing approach, introducing the added value of a 24-hour-use of green spaces. Moreover, a chessboard-system suggests an intensification of the relationship between clusters of built development and green areas, at the same time offering a balanced interface between built development and outdoor spaces.
The transversal small access roads appear as micro public spaces, defining the rhythm of the chess-board system. Numerous smart city elements (gardens/green houses on the roof, local food productions, etc) complement the design concept. Parts of the jury consider the diagrammatic approach to be too technical and boring, but maybe this inconspicuous appropriateness is exactly the quality of the project, showing a sensitive consideration of the surroundings. The jury observes a certain ambiguity between site specificity and a generic diagram, addressing a system of guidelines for a follow up procedure. Rather than a project, it seems to be a “pre-project”, before the arrival of architecture." (excerpt & paraphrase of the jury minutes)