Ramon Bernabe Simo (ES) – architect
Tomas Labanc (SK) – architect
Alex Camacho (ES) - graphic designer
Minghui Chang (CN) - landscape designer
Yang Huang (CN) - interior designer
Eric Marcuson (US) - urban planner
Francesc Montosa (ES) - architect
Matus Randiansky (SK) - architect
Miguel Vilacha (VE)- visual artist
Barcelona – Spain



Das Projekt besticht mit einem identitätsbildenden, einprägsamen Konzept, das gleichzeitig vielfältig und anpassbar ist. Flexible Gebäudetypen suggerieren die Entwicklung gemischt genutzter Bauten. Deren hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit, differenzierte Verteilung und hohe Kombinationsfähigkeit hält unterschiedliche Entwicklungsperspektiven auf dem Wettbewerbsgebiet offen. Gleichzeitig wird die hohe städtebauliche Ambition der Stadt transportiert.

"The project introduces a typological strategy, which suggests the deliberate distribution of a variety of urban types with an urban scale. These types are as much adaptable as they are suggesting a mix of uses, bringing a rather urban image and optimistic programmatic bandwidth to Amstetten. Parts of the images remind the jury of a corporate campus, raising the question if the project is too urban and too dense. On the other hand the combination of different typologies is interesting if one sees the proposal as an ambitious manual that triggers a dynamic discussion and process. Concerning the balance between demand and proposal, project site nr1 shows the most convincing proposal. The jury discusses the potential of the typological strategy: How open is OPEN?! Is the concept still strong if one reduces half of the density?" (excerpt & paraphrase of the jury minutes)