EUROPAN: Bauen als Diskurs
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 7pm
HDA-Graz, Mariahilferstr. 2
FOTOS: © Leemedia
EXHIBITION: EUROPAN - Bauen als Diskurs
In collaboration with the HDA Graz, Europan shows the dialogue between idea and implementation process with preselected projects! For that matter building is presented as a cultural process that operates at the intersection of local possibilities and trans-local framework. In this process Europan represents the interface between the significant international issues of urban development and the possibility of regional architectural practice.
Europan represents itself a platform that consults the format of the architectural competition as the starting point of a research on todays and future contents of architecture as a socio-political and simultaneously substantial project.
Based on a selection of 6 Europan implementations 2 recent issues for the development of the architectural discipline are reconsidered.